Recently, a Broward County man mysteriously disappeared while paddle-boarding in the Atlantic Ocean. George Theoharis disappeared on March 20, 2018, the very same day he was set to appear in Family Court to answer for allegations from his ex-Wife that he owed nearly half a million dollars in back child support payments.
This disappearance may be serious. Or it may be a not-so-subtle attempt at avoiding an obscene amount of child support arrears. If it is the latter, Mr. Theoharis is employing a terrible legal strategy. Back child support can lead to serious legal repercussions. A judge can find that one’s failure to pay child support was an intentional act, and therefore find you in contempt of court. Contempt of court carries extremely serious legal repercussions, including fines, payment of legal fees and, in extreme cases, even jail time. Needless to say, a decision not to pay child support is never a good idea.
However, circumstances can often arise where paying child support can be financially impossible. In such limited circumstances, rather than intentionally disobeying a court order, which is never a good idea, we here at Benjamin & Melmer, LLC recommend you consult with an experienced Family Law attorney to review your legal options. You may be able to file a Supplemental Petition to Amend Child Support or have another legal remedy at your disposal. However, what is never recommended is to simply run away and burry your head in the sand. The ostrich approach will surely leave you in a worse position than you already are.