Con man posed as doctor, lawyer and rabbi, Broward authorities say

He’s on probation for practicing law without a license. He’s charged with carrying a foreign diplomat’s passport. He got a badge from a Broward hospital  identifying him as a doctor and clergyman. His second wife believed he was a  rabbi.

But David Vyner only has one true profession: con artist, according to the Broward sheriff’s detective who spent months piecing together the Armenian immigrant’s life in South Florida.

“One day he becomes a lawyer. One day he becomes a doctor. One day he becomes a rabbi,” said Detective  John Calabro. “He has delusions of grandeur.”,0,2506526.story

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Medley councilman a guardian for at-risk kids, despite previous arrest

After a bizarre arrest on grand theft charges, a bitter, long-running legal fight with his ex-wife and stinging reports from a court magistrate, Medley Councilman Gerardo Silva lost the right to see his two young daughters.

He can, however, represent the interests of abused and neglected children in Miami-Dade’s dependency court system.

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